InicioComunicaciones UnificadasSkype For BusinessParece que ya vamos teniendo fechas oficiales del lanzamiento de Skype For Business Server

Parece que ya vamos teniendo fechas oficiales del lanzamiento de Skype For Business Server

Desde el blog de Office (http://blogs.office.com/2015/04/01/whats-new-in-skype-for-business-and-how-you-can-take-control-of-updates/) han publicado un vídeo en donde nos muestran las fechas de salida de Skype For Business Server!! (imagen capturada del vídeo)

Fechas Lanzamiento Skype For Business_1.png
Aquí tenéis el enlace del vídeo: https://www.youtube.com/embed/R9jtXZ7TYbs miralo con mucha atención, pero ahora nos toca ir esperando a que se vaya acercando la fecha de salida de Skype For Business Server (Mayo). Pero antes el 14 de Abril llegará la actualización del cliente a Skype for Business para los usuarios de Lync Online:
Skype for Business will roll out as an update to Lync on April 14th as part of Office monthly updates. If you are using Lync Online today with Office 365 ProPlus, Office 365 Business Premium or Office 2013, the updated Skype for Business client—inspired by the look and feel of Skype—will be the default user experience and replace the Lync user experience.  If you are using Lync Server today, the Lync UI will be the default experience.

The good news is that regardless of whether you are using Lync Online or Lync Server, you have the ability to control when the updated experience is rolled out to your users. There are two ways to do this. First, Office 365 ProPlus and Office 2013 allow you to control when monthly updates are delivered to your users. Second, both the online service and the server now have policy settings to control the user experience using PowerShell. While the settings are slightly different for online and server customers, both are straightforward, and allow you to manage the UI centrally.

Ahora toca esperar un poco más, ya no falta nada!!!

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